Bear and Bull Markets

There are always Ups and Downs
Bull (when share prices are generally rising) and Bear (when share prices are generally falling) Markets are a fact of life. It doesn’t take an investment expert to know that!
You would need to be a genius, however, to be able to time the ups and downs with any accuracy. What is better is to get into the market and invest over the medium to long term as the statistics for nearly a century of market rises and falls demonstrates below.
This table shows the highs and lows of UK bull and bear markets from the 1926 to the present day.
Bull or Bear Start Date End Date Depth Duration
Bull Jan-26 Oct-29 47% 3yr 10 months
Bear Nov-29 Jul-32 -45% 2yr 9 months
Bull Aug-32 Jan-37 142% 4yr 6 months
Bear Feb-37 Aug-40 -42% 3yr 7 months
Bull Sep-40 Nov-51 341% 11yr 3 months
Bear Dec-51 Jul-52 -22% 8 months
Bull Aug-52 Aug-57 160% 5yr 1 month
Bear Sep-57 Mar-58 -20% 7 months
Bull Apr-58 May-61 168% 3yr 2 months
Bear Jun-61 Aug-62 -21% 1yr 3 months
Bull Sep-62 Feb-69 185% 6yr 6 months
Bear Mar-69 Jun-70 -30% 1yr 4 months
Bull Jul-70 May-72 103% 1yr 11 months
Bear Jun-72 Dec-74 -67% 2yr 7 months
Bull Jan-75 Oct-87 3514% 12yr 10 months
Bear Nov-87 Dec-87 -34% 2 months
Bull Jan-88 Sep-00 571% 12yr 9 months
Bear Oct-00 Feb-03 -43% 2yr 5 months
Bull Mar-03 Nov-07 135% 4yr 9 months
Bear Dec-07 Mar-09 -41% 1yr 4 months
Bull Apr-09 Dec-19 212% 10yr 9 months
*Source: Money Observer May 2020/Timelineapp Tech
Average bull duration 7 years
• Average bull “height” 507.1%
• Average bear duration: 1 year and 8 months
• Average bear “depth” -36.5%
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