Our well-kept secret.

Not long ago the prospect of decent returns on cash looked like a far distant possibility. Now we are finding rates for clients above 4% are easily achievable if you are happy to tie up cash for 1 or more years. Now obviously inflation is flattening Cash returns, with no prospect of that changing soon. So, this is not a replacement medium or long term for real asset investments, but if its money you plan to hold on cash anyway then it may be time to make hay while the sun shines. Please don’t let the bankers enjoy your cash for little or nothing.
On to the secret. Did you know Brooks Wealth offer a cash management service? We are finding we have kept this too well hidden and even long term clients don’t know or have forgotten this. For a modest fee we can search the market for good cash rates and we filter the providers for financial stability and resources as well as advising on FSCS protections.
If you want help applying for accounts, we can also help with that. When you want to review your options get in touch.
www.brookswealth.co.uk info@brookswealth.co.uk 01733 314553